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How important is sex in a marriage?

I came across an article about sexual intimacy and how it can be both healthy and unhealthy. This is a topic I hadn't thought much about up until this point but this article, by Laura M. Brotherson, really opened my eyes to this all so important aspect of marriage.

Sex is something that we don't talk about too much in our society, or at least that has been my perception of it. I was really in the dark about sex growing up. I didn't even learn about the birds and the bees from my parents, but rather from a kid in my 5th grade class years ago. I never had a chance to learn, in a healthy manner, what sex is and why it's important. I hope that I can help shed some light on the subject for those of you in a similar situation.

First off, why is sex important? Sex is something that we, as humans, were created for. God created men and women for each other and sex was implemented as a was for us to have children and bring others to this earth, and also to increase intimacy between a husband and wife. It is important to be married before participation in any sexual activity and sex should only be performed with the person you are married to. This may be a controversial view but God designed it that way for our benefit. When we stray from that God-given path, society suffers. We can see that in our society today. Sex has become a tool of self-gratification rather than a divine expression of love for another. There is, in consequence, less union and support in the world today because we are encouraged to do whatever our heart desires and to look out only for ourselves and our own interests. This is not the first time this has happened though. This is a common pattern in the scriptures.

As you can see, sex can be a tool of great power, both for good and for evil. It can be used to create a strong, happy family that will contribute to society, or it can be used to satisfy carnal desires and encourage selfishness. My main focus in this article is to talk about how we can take full advantage of this gift by pulling from Laura Brotherson’s article, “Raising the Bar on Intimate Relationships.”

As I stated earlier, sex is made for a man and a woman who are legally and lawfully wed. Because of this truth, all of the finding I will be sharing will be based upon sex within the marriage relationship. Dr. Brotherson presents her findings by stating the different causes of both a healthy and an unhealthy intimate relationship. I will be addressing just a few of her findings that I find particularly interesting or significant. 

The first point it that sex should be based on a connection with your spouse and performed for the purpose of increasing that connection. Sex should not be centered on the physical act itself. This, I believe, is a major problem in the world. Because of the increased sexuality of media, the worlds perception of sex is that it is a purely physical experience. This view keeps couples from finding a connection through this sacred act and, in many cases, it actually ends up being an obstacle. As you try to make sex a connection-forming event, you will be bridling your desires and passions and increasing the love and connection you have between you and your spouse.

Another important point is that you must be educated on sex and also the differences between men and women. As women come to better understand men, their sex drive, and their “wiring,” they can better understand why men desire sex so much and see it not as a problem, but as a natural inclination. The same goes for men understanding women better. As you and your spouse both try to increase your knowledge in these areas, you can work on meeting each other in the middle and compromising in order to effectively meet each other's needs when it comes to intimacy.

These are the most important points that I saw while studying this article, but I’m sure there are many of you that have different questions and different needs so I will link the article so you can do your own research. As you apply the things you find into your own marriage, I’m sure you’ll see an increase in the satisfaction within your marriage.

Article(2 part):


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