Finances can be a very stressful thing to deal with in every aspect of life. Financial concerns can cause relationships to divide and can cause real harm to people. Financial mistakes can be detrimental to a family and their success. There are so many challenges that come along with finance and I think too few are prepared to face these challenges. I would like to talk a little bit about that today with the hope that I can help inspire you to prepare to address these concerns about finances that seem to be inevitable in the world today. Something shocking that I learned is that psychologists routinely state that about 70% of divorces result from financial concerns; attorneys have stated that it is about 80%. Those numbers are insane to me! If finances are such a huge concern with the success of a marriage, why are we not learning more about it? I think this is so big that schools should be preparing kids to handle these concerns very early in life. I wish I had known about this earlier...