I’ve recently come across some new information about marriage. The things that I noted were what causes divorce, generally, and what makes up a strong marriage that lasts. Obviously we all want a marriage that lasts and so I hope to be able to shed some light on how that's possible. First I’d like to talk about the reasons for divorce. You can attribute divorce to a decrease in marital satisfaction throughout the course of a marriage, but what causes this drop in marital satisfaction in divorced couples? Well, research shows that having children is a major factor in decreasing marital satisfaction. This fact threw me off when I first saw the data because I personally can’t wait to start a family and have kids and I always thought that would be the happiest time in my life and that it would cause me to love my wife even more. After looking into the reasons for dissatisfaction, I realized it makes a lot of sense. In many marriages, when the first kid comes around, the parents tend to...