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Showing posts from September, 2021

The Supernatural

  Hey folks!      Today, I wanted to cover a question that I've been thinking a lot about lately. That question is: "What are the attributes of the best marriage?" I’ve been thinking a lot about this because I am trying to prepare for marriage myself and I want to be prepared to make it the best it can be. I'm sure many of you have been in the same situation and have wondered the same thing. I'd like to share some insights today that hopefully will help some of you who are feeling the same way.     When I originally thought about the perfect marriage, I would think about things like good communication, serving each other, being trustworthy, being honest, etc. These are all good things but looking at the thousands of marriages that end even with all of these aspects in place made me think a little more into it. I've come to a theory that a healthy marriage requires more than just the basics that everyone thinks about. It requires more than the natural course...

Current Family Trends

 I've been learning a lot about the current route family trends are heading in this day and age and its kind of blown my mind. The data that we have on population growth, fertility rates, and birth rates are pretty shocking! I feel like most people have no idea what is happening with these trends and why they matter so that's why I wanted to share a little bit about them with you know. I was definitely in the dark about this stuff for a long time, but knowing what I know now helps me see my role in the world concerning families. First things first, lets talk about population growth. Its been a big belief of mine that the population of the world is growing exponentially and there has always been a fear of overpopulation in my mind. In reality, the population is getting ready to start decreasing rapidly. The reason that many of us don't know about this is because the media usually portray the side of overpopulation when that really isn't the reality of the situation. The ...

Hello World!

 This blog is dedicated to discussing the family relationships that exist in the world and any benefits or problems those my create. The family is the most important social unit in the world and as such we should do everything we can to make it the best it can be. I hope to be able to inspire every reader to either start a family of their own in a healthy way or to strengthen the family relationships you already have. I am excited to hear your thoughts and learn along side you!